Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A week in the life: Day 4

Tuesday: I finally make it to bed around 1am, but am showered and will be much faster in the morning now. M gets up early and wakes me around 6:45. I drag myself into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do something to my oh-so-attractive bed hair. The little man wakes around 7:15 and M brings him in to say good morning to Mommy before they do new pants (for Numa, not M) and a cup. I apply sunscreen and put on his outfit for the day while he protests and reads books. We grab our bags and head out the door at 7:45.

Daycare is already a happening place this morning and we arrive during book reading before breakfast. The Nums is happy to be with his friends so we leave for work after just a few minutes. At work by 8:30, bagel with cream cheese and OJ for breakfast and while putting the little guy's sippy in our group fridge, I realize that yesterday I forgot to take home the 2 quarts of blueberries that the Numa's girlfriend and her fiance got for us in Maine. Doh! Must remember those today.

I have another busy day, since I will be unable to attend a field site on Friday due to a conflicting meeting. My awesome office mate is going to fill in for me, so I work on getting everything ready for her. At 12:15 we have our first parent-teacher conference at daycare! M and I talk to Numa's lead teacher for about 40 minutes about his progress and goals for the rest of the year. During the whole meeting, the Numa is sleeping a mere 10 feet away, so I spend most of my time worried about waking him which, fortunately, doesn't happen. He is doing great and other than working on throwing food we walk away with no homework but to keep on keepin' on. Sweet. 

I still haven't eaten lunch so the Mr and I run by a local cafe to grab a salad for me and then stop at Starbucks to patronize the Clover machine. Yes, we know it is overpriced and no, we don't care. Back at work around 2pm and I remember suddenly that I have an appointment scheduled for Friday that I am now going to miss due to work travel. A quick phone call reveals that my only opportunity for reschedule this week is today at 4:15, so I resolve to work faster and leave a little early. I run out the door at 3:55 after sending one last email and promptly hit tons of traffic, making me almost 15 minutes late. They are very understanding and through a series of coincidences everything works out fine, but I over tip anyway because I hate being late almost as much as I hate waiting for people who are late.

I pick M up from work just before 5 and we grab the Numa to head to our monthly meat CSA pick up near our home. M had a bad day, so we talk about work while the Nums "reads" his book in the back seat. I order Korean takeout (jap chae FTW!) and send M and Numa home with our cooler of meaty deliciousness while I walk to the restaurant. I also hit CVS for swim diapers for tomorrow's sprinkler park visit (for the Numa, obviously) and also grab some new books from the used bookstore conveniently located next to the Korean restaurant. The Numa and I eat jap chae, edamame (one of the little guy's favorites) and California rolls (M has pork katsu) while Skyping with Gma Bee. Once the food throwing progresses to utensil throwing M and I declare all done and head to the bathroom (still chatting with Bee) for a bath and teeth brushing. Numa is a giant fan of splashing so by the time he is done, it looks like a tidal wave has hit the bathroom. M gets the little man ready for bed and reads books with him for a little while before I rock him and put him in his crib around 8.

I head to the car to retrieve the CSA cooler and then spend some time planning this week's remaining meals. Tomorrow will be something in the crock pot, and I finally land on salsa chicken with rice. All the ingredients are on the counter or ready in the fridge. It is now that I remember the huge amount of Maine blueberries that our lovely friends brought us. They smell amazing but are super tiny, so we can't give them to the Numa to eat individually and I really don't want to make muffins. I have never made jam but am willing to give it a shot until I remember that I don't have any pectin. A quick Pinterest search yields this link, which takes me to an extremely simple recipe that involves just blueberries, sugar, lemon juice and salt. I can do that. I spend almost an hour picking over the berries and removing as many stems as I can find (seriously, these are tiny smaller than a pencil eraser...with even tinier stems) while watching Coraline. Incidentally, Coraline is beautifully animated but is in NO way a children's movie. My fingers turn blue but I persevere and finally have clean blueberries. I will write another post about making the jam, but suffice it to say that it is so good I consider eating it straight from the pot instead of storing it.

I make myself package up the jam and partially clean the kitchen, meaning that I move everything into or close to the sink and resolve to actually do the dishes tomorrow. Our measuring stick is "do we have enough sippy cups?" and I have exceeded the requirement, so I give myself a pass. Lazy bum. I take a quick shower after M goes to bed and it's lights out around 12:30.

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